Krypton Solutions Giving Back to Community
Krypton Solutions is leading the high tech community in Plano, TX. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life in Plano and support Plano Economic Development. Contributions include articles, presentations and discussions on innovation, leadership and networking. Creating such an alliance can help Plano stimulate the local community.
The Alliance committee goals are to:
Identify and recruit businesses which contribute to Plano’s economic well-being by broadening and diversifying the tax base and creating quality employment opportunities, while maintaining the highest quality of life.
Provide for a vibrant economy through a pro-active business retention and expansion program that encourages Plano companies to grow and expand their presence.
Encourage the local economy through a business redevelopment program that focuses on stimulating new investments in targeted geographic areas.
Promote a pro-business environment in Plano, in cooperation with the City of Plano, Plano Independent School District, Collin College, Collin County, Plano Chamber of Commerce and other interested parties, through the development of policies and resources that create sustainable competitive advantages.
Krypton’s goal is to lead the high-tech movement and make Plano the “Silicon Valley” of Texas.
The Krypton Solutions leaders and team members have a long history of supporting non-profit organizations in an effort to improve the lives of others both locally and overseas. We are proud supporters of a number of charities some of which are showcased below.